This Computer Supported Cooperative Work (CSCW) system facilitates an immersive experience in a collaborative virtual environment by combining physical robots with remote SEL (Social Emotional Learning) and STEM-based instruction. Particularly relevant during COVID-19, it also helps connect students potentially isolated by other factors (geographic, economic, environmental, health limitations, etc.).
The web-based software system allows participants to directly interact with remote physical robots in an immersive experience, also known as phygital experience. It allows real-time coding, sharing, and reporting through a merging of existing Google Slides functionality with a web-enabled sidebar additional for directly connecting to the physical robots (locally or remotely located).
Beyond the new innovation of extending Google Slides for robotic control, the platform also enables educational services (currently challenged by social distancing restrictions) to reach new remote clients. For those participants in remote locations without access costly, advanced, or exclusive robotic systems, CORP connects users not only with the advanced technology but also with mentors and educational experts. Building on the Google Cloud platform and the G-Suite of services, the accessibility, scalability, and integration with existing tools already familiar to clients is ensured.
In the near future, with COVID-19 restrictions driving drastic changes to the educational landscape, there exists a great need for running high-quality online workshops that help remote participants to develop their STEM abilities in tandem with Social Emotional Learning skills. An environment that combines interactive robotics, real-world robotic-control, as well as collaborative problem solving sets itself apart from other online workshop experiences currently being offered.
Scientific Publications
Sans-Cope, O., Danahy, E., Hannon, D., Rogers, C., Albo-Canals, J. and Angulo, C., 2021, October. A novel Collaborative Online Robotics Platform to address engagement and social emotional challenges in remote learning environment. In 2021 IEEE Frontiers in Education Conference (FIE) (pp. 1-5). IEEE.
Sans-Cope, O., Danahy, E., Hannon, D., Rogers, C., Albo-Canals, J. and Angulo, C., 2021, April. CORP. A Collaborative Online Robotics Platform. In International Conference on Robotics in Education (RiE) (pp. 231-242). Springer, Cham.
Albo-Canals, J., Amram, D., Kaesling, K., Otero, J.M., Pensa, R.G. and Sans-Cope, O., 2021. Children’s Rights in Online Environments with Social Robots: The use case study of CORP: A Collaborative Online Robotics Platform.
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